Weekly Blog: April 10th, 2022

You know, when I quit my job to pursue fiber arts full time, I thought I’d have more free time. I really did.

Tasks, like money, abhor a vacuum. Every free moment finds something new that NEEDS to be done, every windfall discovers bills that didn’t exist moments before. It’s exhausting, as is the constant cycle of “family emergencies” that seem to crop up every time I try to get to work. At the same time, I’ve always thrived on chaos, on swooping in and finishing projects right at the deadline, and on a perpetual rolling to-do list I update seemingly every few minutes, so I can’t say I hate this particular “schedule.” It’s just difficult to keep up!

This week’s videos include Part One of my Alpaca series:

Part Two is already uploaded and set to air next Wednesday; parts Three and Four are ALMOST done! I need to buckle down and finish them over the next couple of days.

We also have a product review out:

I’ve been trying to do at least one review a month, since people seem to find them helpful. That said, I’m accruing more equipment than I need, so maybe I need to do a giveaway or destash or something…I’ll think about it!

If you follow me on instagram, you might have noticed that I’m trying to get in the habit of posting at least once per day. Even so, there’s quite a lot that doesn’t make it into the pictures! A snapshot of a half-full bobbin doesn’t show the hour or two spinning it, the shot of a woven scarf doesn’t show me spinning the yarn, washing the yarn, winding the yarn into a ball, winding the weft on to the shuttles, threading the warp, etc. I prefer youtube, just because I can show more of that process, but even that is heavily cut down– a six minute timelapse of a ten-hour project, for example.

At the beginning of the week I did a huge dye day, mostly to test out some new dyes + test out some new yarn bases I’m thinking about carrying. The video for that will be out soon, but here’s my favorite teaser:

And then the leftover dye from THAT pan was used to dye some gorgeous spinning fiber, which I’ve already started working on:

I just love how the colorful parts are stretching out and mingling with the more natural cream parts. It’s so fun to see how it works out! I’m going to try to do two dye days (and thus, two dye day videos) a month, but we’ll see how well I keep up with it.

On a non-fibery note– I’ve taken on an odd job helping a relative clean her home, and while doing so she gave me a mini donut maker. It’s basically just a waffle maker, but makes seven tiny donuts in 3 minutes. So. You can take a cake mix or brownie mix– and cake mix or brownie mix– and mix in one cup of water, one egg, and either a 1/4 cup oil or full fat Greek yogurt (I like using vanilla Greek yogurt) and use THAT batter to make the donuts and with that recipe you get 35-45 donuts PER BOX MIX. I’m having a ridiculous amount of fun testing different box mixes to see which ones make the best donuts (and then sending the donuts off with my husband to work or packing them up for family members), but so far I can say that cake mixes make a thicker batter and a cakier, slightly more dry donut, while brownie mixes are more moist but have a more rubbery texture. Personally I prefer cake mix + a simple glaze for extra moisture, but if you don’t want the extra sugar of a glaze, maybe go for the brownie mix. It’s so much fun though! I’m doing funfetti ones next I think.

Alright. I guess that’s it for the week! Thanks for reading this far!

Catch ya next time!

~Rebekah of the Glitched Stitchery

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1 Response to Weekly Blog: April 10th, 2022

  1. Pingback: Weekly Blog: April 17th, 2022 | Glitched Stitchery

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