Weekly Blog: April 17th, 2022

Another very busy week! I guess that’s to be expected, but it definitely caught up to me this week; I’m exhausted! Most of what I worked on is related to future videos (June’s, in fact), but I can reveal a little I guess!

First off, three Vlogs aired this week:

Part Two of my Alpaca-focused April!
A new Pencast, this one focused on Pilot’s budget offerings and whether or not their nibs are compatible with each other.
And finally, a corriedale-centric breed study video– one of my last Longway Homestead posts!

I do really like doing the Pencasts– it’s nice to break up all the fiberarts stuff once in a while, as much as I enjoy it. Sometimes I just need to get my hands all inky and doodle for a while! That said, if you ever have any specific fountain pen-related questions, let me know– I’ve been using them long enough now so I may be able to help, or even film a small explanation or tutorial.

Beyond the scheduled videos for this week, my week was pretty well divided between a.) cleaning and organizing (first at my cleaning job, then in my studio after bringing in a new desk), b.) baking (I experimented further with the mini donuts I mentioned last blog post, as well as tried out a way of making wraps with lentils), c.) spinning (you can expect to see that in next Saturday’s video!), and d.) weaving (June videos).

Even beyond all of THAT, there was more! (Because of course there was!). Specifically, Thursday Mr. Glitched and I went out to run some errands with my brother, and finished off the day by finally seeing the new Sonic movie (which, if you know me, you know how much I’ve loved Sonic/Sonic characters since middle school, so it was kinda a big deal!) No spoilers here, but lets just say that a.) the movie added to some details from the first movie so that the overarching plot made more sense, b.) the first third of the movie was a little clunky but it picked up speed and was really fun to watch, and c.) they left seeds for the absolute perfect third movie that I NEED to see so they better follow through and make it or I. WILL. RIOT. Seriously though, very enjoyable movie overall. On a scale of Mario Brothers movie to Detective Pikachu, I’d say it’s just behind Detective Pikachu as a Very Watchable video game movie.

Then of course Saturday I had some fun with my sister-the-author– we went out, got some donuts and coffee, I helped her with some photos for her bookstagram, she helped me with footage for an upcoming Yarn Tourism video (that one will be ready soon). If you’re ever in the Sanford, ME area in the morning Fri-Sun, Frannie’s Mini Donuts are REALLY good– my favorites are the Chocolate Espresso donuts, and the Maine maple latte. But I also just really love donuts 😉

Honestly, what made this week busier still was all the family visits! I love my siblings, and my nephews, but I will say my apartment has been more full of people than usual this week 😉 Hoping for tomorrow to be a quieter day, so I can get caught up on all the little things that fell to the wayside this week, as well as so I can have a killer dye day (I have more colors to test!) Don’t be too surprised, though, if I come back and say once again my week was packed right down to the second with things to do, places to be, and people to see– that’s just kinda how it goes.

Catch you next week!

~Rebekah, aka Glitched

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